Independent Auditor's Report
You will find the following in the Independent Auditor's Report of the Dallas College Foundation Inc., classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 nonprofit group:
- Auditor's Opinion
- Statement of Financial Position
- Statement of Activities
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Notes to Financial Statements
View Independent Auditor's Report FY2024 (PDF 593 KB)
Form 990
IRS Form 990 is the tax document that tax-exempt nonprofit organizations file each year with the IRS. The 990 allows the IRS and the public to evaluate nonprofits and how they operate.
VView Dallas College Foundation Form 990 FY2023 (3.7 MB)
Endowment Spending Policy
The Dallas College Foundation will allocate earnings each year for expenditure by endowment supported scholarships and programs. The available funds will be determined by allocating up to 5% of the trailing three year average of the aggregate endowment portfolio market value at December 31 of each year. An amount in excess of the annual spending limit will be permitted for programs and endowments where donors have determined a need for a higher level of spending.