Key Initiatives
Since its inception, Dallas College Foundation has advanced the Dallas College mission by awarding scholarships and grants to support the thousands of students that choose to pursue their education at Dallas College each year. Dallas College plays a vital role in building the economy in North Texas. True to this purpose, the Foundation seeks unique, innovative ways to improve its offerings and support our students.
To carry out this critical work, Dallas College Foundation prioritizes student support across these three areas:
Barrier Busters
Dallas College Foundation understands that students can’t thrive in either school or life if they don’t have the emotional, physical and mental support they need. That’s why we has prioritized supplying the resources students need to live stable, successful lives.
We eliminate barriers that prevent students from all backgrounds from attending and graduating. Whether students need scholarships, emergency aid, transportation support, or other assistance, we stand ready to break any barriers that stand in the way of student success. Learn more about Barrier Buster initiatives.
Expanding Excellence
Dallas College is committed to delivering an exceptional educational experience for all students. That means providing a wide array of relevant, world-class academic programs and workforce training opportunities offered within a caring and uplifting environment. Dallas College Foundation supports this goal through a number of programs and initiatives. Learn more about Expanding Excellence initiatives.
You can get involved and impact student lives by:
Donating to our funding priorities:
Take a moment to view inspiring student success stories and learn about our donors. Thank you, in advance, for giving today.