Leadership & Board

Regen Horchow
Regen Horchow, a respected leader on issues impacting young children, has been on the Dallas College Foundation Board since 2018. She is president of the Hersh Foundation and manages the Horchow Family Office. The leader and co-founder of Early Matters in Dallas, Horchow was instrumental in the creation of Dallas College School of Education and co-chairs its Advisory Council. In addition, she serves on the boards of Southern Methodist University Simmons School of Education, Human Development at Southern Methodist University and United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, and on the University of Texas Southwestern President’s Advisory Board and the Executive Council of the Yale Child Study Center.
In the Dallas community, Horchow’s previous service includes leadership positions in the Zero to Five Funders Collaborative, Charter 100, Child Care Group, Commit Partnership, Dallas Assembly, Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center, Dallas Foundation, Educational First Steps, Girls’ Adventure Trails, The Hockaday School, Junior League of Dallas and Planned Parenthood. A Dallas native, Horchow is a graduate of The Hockaday School, Yale University and holds a Master of Education from the University of North Texas.