Employee Conference Day 2023 Sponsorship Opportunity

We are now officially Dallas College, and our new organization structure is designed to move us forward to better align our mission, “to transform lives and communities through higher education “. In this new organization structure, we are better aligned to strengthen student success, create partnerships that can scale, provide more effective employee engagement, and expand our networks throughout North Texas as well as globally. We are being innovative and creating pathways to connect our programs and events to become better partners to highlight student achievements and the progression of our employees.

As the largest provider of education in Dallas County, Dallas College has:
100+ degree and certificate programs and 83% of our new graduates obtain employment within DFW
120k+ students and 5k+ employees
7 campus, 11 centers, and 3 operational facilities

What is Dallas College’s Employee Conference Day 2023 about?

Employee Conference Day 2023 is a day-long event that introduces our employees to new perspectives, enables them to expand their professional network, and generates collaboration to expand student success for Dallas College. More than 3000 employees will participate in the conference on Friday, August 18, 2023, from 7:30 am to 5 pm at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas. The activities for the day include a general session with a Keynote Speaker, multiple professional development breakout sessions, Sponsor Exhibit & Networking sessions, and a close-out reception hosted by the Dallas College Foundation.

Why are we requesting your support as a sponsor?
As we celebrate the success of Dallas College and our continuous movement forward in the development of our employees, we want to invite our partners to participate in this event to help us expand our resources for our students and continue to grow the programs that help us strive to be a top provider in education and skill-developer for Texas. The event will highlight your organization's sponsorship with our college and will provide you with a platform for branding recognition and engagement with our Dallas College network.

Other Payment Options, Invoice, and Customized Sponsorship Information:
To pay by wire transfer or by phone, if you need an invoice, or would prefer to develop a customized sponsorship contact, D’Angela Barnes DMBarnes@dcccd.edu or 214-860-5934 for more information.

  • Gift Information
  • Gift Details
  • Personal Information

Gift Info

Sponsorship Level 7
Sponsorship Level 6
Sponsorship Level 5
Sponsorship Level 4
Sponsorship Level 3
Sponsorship Level 2
Sponsorship Level 1

Gift Details

Personal Info